Episode 20 of The Trigan Empire
The Trigan Republic
aka The Tyrant
The Tyrant (The Collection)
De strijd om de macht (Dutch title)
The Power Struggle (Dutch title, translated)
Written by Mike Butterworth
Illustrated by Don Lawrence
The Trigan Republic was originally published in 13 instalments in issues 403 (4 October 1969) to 415 (27 December 1969) of Look and Learn magazine.
It was reprinted in 1976 in 4 issues (28 February 1976—20 March 1976) of Vulcan comic.
It is reprinted in Volume 5 of The Trigan Empire—The Collection (the Don Lawrence Collection).
It is reprinted in Volume 2 of The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire (Rebellion).
Plot summary (Dutch)
MediaFire via British Comics Compilations