1973 The Look and Learn Book of the Trigan Empire (Fleetway)
1975 The Brief Reign of Sennos the First (Look and Learn)
1975 Vulcan (IPC)
1978 The Trigan Empire (Hamlyn)
1978 The Lost City (Look and Learn)
1979 The Volcano Factory (Look and Learn)
1980 Invaders from Gallas (Look and Learn)
1980 Evil from Outer Space (Look and Learn)
1989 Tales from the Trigan Empire (Hawk)
2004-2008 The Trigan Empire (The Don Lawrence Collection)
2004 The Prisoner of Zerss (The Don Lawrence Collection)
2004 The Sun-Worshippers (The Don Lawrence Collection)
2005 The House of Five Moons (The Don Lawrence Collection)
2005 The Curse of King Yutta (The Don Lawrence Collection)
2006 The Three Princes (The Don Lawrence Collection)
2006 The Rallu Invasion (The Don Lawrence Collection)
2006 The Reign of Thara (The Don Lawrence Collection)
2007 Revolution in Zabriz (The Don Lawrence Collection)
2007 The Puppet Emperor (The Don Lawrence Collection)
2008 The Red Death (The Don Lawrence Collection)
2008 The Invaders From Gallas (The Don Lawrence Collection)
2008 The Green Smog (The Don Lawrence Collection)
2007 Victory for the Trigans . . . (Look and Learn new series)
2020 The Rise and Fall of The Trigan Empire Volume 1 (Rebellion)
2020 The Rise and Fall of The Trigan Empire Volume 2 (Rebellion)
2021 The Rise and Fall of The Trigan Empire Volume 3 (Rebellion)
2022 The Rise and Fall of The Trigan Empire Volume 4 (Rebellion)
The Look and Learn Book of the Trigan Empire (IPC/Fleetway, 1973)

I Victory for the Trigans
II Crash in the Jungle
III Elekton In Danger
Vulcan (IPC Magazines Ltd., 1975-1976)
1975 (The first 30 issues were on sale in Scotland only.)
I Victory for the Trigans
II Crash in the Jungle
III Elekton In Danger
IV Invaders from Gallas
V The Land of No Return
VI The Revolt of the Lokans
VII War with Hericon
VIII Revolution in Zabriz
IX The Phials of Forgetfulness
X The Revenge of Darak
XI The Three Aliens
XII The Reign of Thara
XIII Voyage to the Moon Bolus
XIV The Three Princes
XV Poison from Outer Space
XVI The Lost City
XVII The Volcano Factory
XVIII The Invisible Man
XIX The Deadly Formula
XX The Trigan Republic
XXI The Red Death
XXII The Puppet Emperor
The Trigan Empire (Hamlyn/Chartwell, 1978)

I Victory for the Trigans
II Crash in the Jungle
III Elekton In Danger
V The Land of No Return
VII War with Hericon
VIII Revolution in Zabriz
XII The Reign of Thara
XIII Voyage to the Moon Bolus
Tales from the Trigan Empire (Hawk/1989)

X The Revenge of Darak
XI The Three Aliens
XII The Reign of Thara
XIII Voyage to the Moon Bolus
XIV The Three Princes
The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: Volume 1 (Rebellion / March 2020)

I Victory for the Trigans
II Crash in the Jungle
III Elekton In Danger
IV Invaders from Gallas
V The Land of No Return
VI The Revolt of the Lokans
VII War with Hericon
VIII Revolution in Zabriz
IX The Phials of Forgetfulness
X The Revenge of Darak
XI The Three Aliens
XII The Reign of Thara
XIII Voyage to the Moon Bolus
The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: Volume 2 (Rebellion / December 2020)

XIV The Three Princes
XV Poison from Outer Space
XVI The Lost City
XVII The Volcano Factory
XVIII The Invisible Man
XIX The Deadly Formula
XX The Trigan Republic
XXI The Red Death
XXII The Puppet Emperor
XXIII Trigo’s Five Tasks
1968 The Brief Reign of Sennos the First
The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: Volume 3 (Rebellion / July 2021)

XXIV The Thing from the Sea
XXV The Giant Plant
XXVI The City of Jewels
XXVII The Unscrupulous Servant
XXVIII The Duplication Machine
XXIX The Masked Raiders
XXX The Prisoner of Zerss
XXXI The Miniature Killers of Zelph
XXXII The Zota Club
XXXIII The Wish-Fulfiller
XXXIV The Fiendish Experiment
XXXV The Curse of King Yutta
XXXVI The Lost Years
The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: Volume 4 (Rebellion / October 2022)

XXXVII A World within a World
XXXVIII The Secret of Castle Doum
XXXIX The House of the Five Moons
XL A National Emergency
XLI The Palace of Peril
XLII Evil from Outer Space
XLIII The Curse of the Sun Worshippers
XLIV Planet Zootha
XLV The Great Flood
XLVI The Elixir of Youth
XLVII The Secret Assassin
XLVIII The Food of the Gods
XLIX The Stone of Vorg
L The Heat Controller
1967 The Wise Man of Vorg